Festival BAD, Theater and Contemporary Dance Festival of Bilbao
2010 - 2011


For 4 days, 4 actors and actresses, 8 hours and 3 videocameras.

A goal: The creation of a single scene made up from a series of guidelines, which will be discovered by the four performers day by day.

An open creation process, where the audience has two choices: either to attend the show live or to watch it on-line.

The video-graphic material obtained during those 4 days will take part in the audiovisual piece that will follow. All the elements and people that take part in the working team will have an active role.

The Perils of Obedience is a project of multidisciplinary creation with a clear experimental and evolving character. The project, based on the dialogue between film and scenic-theatre languages, explores the human need for creating rules in order to organize every social group and thus the reality around us.

The project has been conceived with the purpose of being performed in different venues and with different groups of people. It started  in Bilbao as The Perils of Obedience (-1) and it will continue in New York City. An original project of Itziar Barrio who, on this occasion, had the collaboration of Juanjo Otero as stage director for the BAD Festival.


Director and Original Idea: Itziar Barrio

Stage director: Juanjo Otero

Actors and actresses: Izaskun Fernandez, Maitane Muruaga, Gabriel Reig, Urtza Zuazo

Camera and sound operators: Txemi Alonso, Eva Mateos

Lighting design: Txemi Alonso

Graphic design: Jaume Marco

Production assistants: Ines Delgado

̥Making of music: Anorexia Mental

Photographers: Irune J. Orbez,  Zigor Barayazarra

Venue: ZAWP Bilbao

Supporters: BAI, Bizkaiko Antzerki Ikastetxea and Claro de Luna 

COPRODUCED by Festival BAD,  Bilbao Council.